Hold the Waffles

[hands in the middle and then the up thing]

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

So did I

And I'm a new man.

I've taken away several lessons from this. The most obvious, of course, is that I'm a gluttonous, self-indulgent American fatass at heart, and it's not really in my nature to deny that for longer than about 60 hours at a time. Another is that the value of food goes far beyond its nutritive qualities: it's essential to things like comfort, satisfaction, general life enjoyment, etc.

But the biggest lesson of the fast as a whole has to be this: If you're going to undertake a project that requires self-sacrifice for an extended period of time (and in this instance, I think five days counts), you have to have it thought out pretty extensively. I went into this without a clear goal and without a clear rationale -- all I really had was enthusiasm, and after my second day on nothing but stupid gross lemonade, well, let's just say my enthusiasm vanished and left a gaping hole where my drive to the finish should have been.

I suppose I've probably lost blogging privileges, but no matter. In the words of Chris Rock, "Shorty can't eat no books."